Update PostIt Note

Upcoming Dates
12/5-12/9 - Computer Science Week 
12/5 - Samaritans Workshop for Caregivers 
12/6 - Blake PTO Meeting - 7 p.m.
12/7 - Samaritans Presentation for 7th Grade 
          Blake Student Council
12/8 - Pride Alliance Mtg
12/12 - Term 1 Report Cards go home
            Blake Battles Bias
12/13 - Blake Winter Chorus Concert
12/14 - Student Council Meeting
12/15 - Pride Alliance Mtg
            Blake Winter Band Concert
12/20 - 7th Grade Field Trip to A Christmas Carol
            Blake Winter Orchestra Concert
12/21 - Blake Student Council
12/22 - Pride Alliance Mtg
            Blake Winter Concert Snow Date
12/23 - ½ Day for Students and Staff
12/24-1/2 - Winter Vacation
1/1 - Happy New Year!
1/2 - Blake Site Council

Please click here for Blake's Weekly Update including important dates and event updates!