Breaking News

August 24, 2022

Good evening/morning -
I hope that everyone is doing well and that you are all enjoying our last full week of summer! I am sharing a link with all Blake families to the 'Opening Letter' for the 2022-2023 school year at Blake. To help all families navigate and gather student-specific and family-specific information, the ‘section headers’ (hyperlinks) outlined within the letter/link below will hopefully provide a ‘quick reference’ format to meet the varied needs of our community...
Opening Letter to Blake Families, August 2022 (8/24/22)
Reminder Regarding Schedules in Aspen
As shared by Kelly prior to her medical leave...
Schedules will continue to be revised and finalized up until the first day of school. Should your child have electronic access to their Blake schedule because of older siblings, please remind them that we are continuing to balance out classes until the day before school starts, and we check and double check that everyone has what they need. Therefore, everything can and likely will change up until the first day of school. Students will receive a paper schedule on the first day of school at Blake -- this will be their finalized schedule for the 2022-2023 school year. We do not want students to be disappointed because they think a preliminary version of their schedule is their actual schedule. Thank you for understanding and reinforcing this with your children if it comes up as a topic. 
I look forward to the work that lies ahead for all of us and wish everyone a safe, enjoyable, and memorable final stretch of summer.
Take care.