Medfield High School’s  Academic Success Center  is now open! This resource will be available to all students on a drop-in or referral basis during Flex periods on Days 3 & 8 in the Upper Cafeteria and will be taught by Linda Grolnic. Use the MyFlex Learning app to schedule into the center.

The purpose of the Academic Success Center will be to help students improve study skills and executive functioning skills across all content areas. This may include time management strategies, study skills, prioritizing assignments and organizing materials...just to name a few!

This service will be available to all students during Flex blocks on Days 3 & 8. Students can be referred by teachers, guidance counselor, and parents/guardians. If you want to refer a student, please contact Linda Grolnic via email lgrolnic@email.medfield.net).If you have any questions or suggestions please contact Linda at lgrolnic@email.medfield.net.