Choose To Be Nice

Did you know that the Memorial School is a Choose To Be Nice School?

Choose To Be Nice is a program founded by Dina Creiger that focuses on the importance of kindness and caring. Last year, we adopted this program school wide and today, we once again made the following pledge: "I promise to Choose To Be Nice and spread kindness wherever and whenever possible."  In the next week, our entire school will be signing a giant banner that includes this pledge and will hang in our school for all to see. Each child will receive a Choose To Be Nice bracelet after they sign.  In addition, we will be inviting our families who attend PIN to sign individual classroom signs with the same pledge.  We cannot emphasize enough the importance of forging a strong home/school connection that supports our children and hope that you will join us in this initiative.

Each month our school will focus on a specific value; respect, kindness, acceptance, teamwork, honesty, responsibility, friendship, patience and courage.  We will learn about the values through stories, activities and discussions.  Staff will introduce these values through CTBN's Nine Nice Mice.  Please be sure to ask you children about Ryan, Kiera, Alex, Tyler, Hannah, Riley, Felipe, Pria and Cameron as the year goes on.